10 African Aerospace Startups to Travel to Berlin for the ABAWT and #Africa4Future Meetup

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A Better Africa with Tech (ABAWT) and #Africa4Future have teamed up for a meetup featuring 10 African aerospace startups from 7 different countries across the African continent. The 10 startups were selected for the recently concluded #Africa4Future Initiative.

The #Africa4Future Initiative is a joint accelerator by Airbus BizLab & GIZ Make-IT in Africa focusing on startups working on digital solutions in the field of unmanned logistics and remote sensing. Ten teams from Kenya, Malawi, Ethiopia, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Mali and South Africa were selected from more than 300 applicants from all over the continent to participate in the six-month program.

The startups will travel to Berlin for the ABAWT & #Africa4Future Meetup to talk about their solutions in the sectors of health, infrastructure, logistics, agriculture, water and waste management.

The trip will provide the startups with an opportunity to network with the tech community and partners in Berlin.

As part of the Bizlab #Africa4Future arrangement, the startups will also travel to Toulouse, France and Capetown, South Africa on separately planned business trips.

The meetup is scheduled for Wednesday, March 20, 2019, at the Wework Sony Centre, Kemperplatz 1 10785 Berlin, Germany.

Here is the Eventbrite registration link if you wish to get directly in touch with the young innovators and learn more about their innovations for a better Africa with tech.

Read about the startups selected for the Airbus Bizlab #Africa4Future accerelation program.