Azercomos and iSAT Seal Agreement to Provide Satellite Services in Africa

Azercosmos, the satellite operating company of the Government of Azerbaijan has entered a cooperation with iSAT Africa, the leading data, video and internet service provider serving Telco’s, ISP’s, Media companies, Enterprise Govt and others in Africa and the Middle East. This disclosure was made known on 15 August 2020.
iSAT Africa services include MPLS, SDWan, Media solutions, OTT using terrestrial and satellite technologies. In the agreement between both parties, iSAT Africa will meet the growing demand for telecommunications in various parts of Africa, that can’t be served using terrestrial, via the resources of Azerspace-2 satellite. iSAT Africa will use the capacity of the Azerspace-2 satellite to provide various satellite solutions, in addition to data and video services provided to 90% of the African region.
Mark Guthrie, Chief Commercial Officer at Azercosmos, mentioned that “we intend to actively develop our cooperation with iSAT Africa. This cooperation will allow us to use the capabilities of the Azerspace-2 satellite even in the most remote areas of Africa”.
On the part of iSAT Africa, Stanley Ayittah, Head of Business Development added that the “partnership status with Azercosmos guarantees successful implementation of our projects on satellite services, even during the ongoing pandemic. We will be able to provide fast and efficient services to our customers in Africa and also from Africa”.
Azercosmos’ second telecommunications satellite, Azerspace-2, was launched in 2018. It is in Geostationary Orbit (GEO) at 45° East longitude and was launched in 2018. Azercosmos is also entering into new agreements with other African companies in the satellite communications sector. The company has entered agreements with companies like Space Engineering and Prime African Media System.
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