GGPEN Scholarship Holders Begin Master’s Degree Programme in France

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Angolan engineers will pursue a master’s degree programme at the Superior Institute of Aeronautics and Space (ISAE-SUPAERO). This is consequent upon a partnership between the Angolan State, through the Ministry of Telecommunications, Information Technologies and Social Communication (MINTTICS), and the partners involved in constructing the Angosat-2 satellite. This makes it the third consecutive year that Angolan engineers have attended the degree programme.

Likewise, three technicians from the National Space Program Management Office (GGPEN) flew to Toulouse, France, on August 10, 2021. This was to pursue an advanced master’s degree in space services and applications and aerospace project management. The programme is also taking place at ISAE-SUPAERO – one of the oldest and most prestigious universities globally in terms of space science and technology.

The GGPEN scholarship holders include engineers João Júnior, Júlio Morais and Osvaldo Porto. They belong to the Departments of Development of Space Applications and Spatial Infrastructure Management, respectively, with Osvaldo, an MCC specialist. 

The master’s program will last for 15 months, ending in December 2022. Furthermore, it will include a curricular program divided into two semesters. The first will consist of theoretical classes, laboratory practices and educational visits. Likewise, the second is regarding the professional internship and preparation of the dissertation.

The engineers were very grateful for the trust and opportunity that the institution had placed in them. In addition, they guaranteed that “they will do everything so that this bet will not be in vain”. Upon their return, they have pledged to help drive the institution’s development and growth. Likewise, the GGPEN Board was satisfied with the selection of the aforementioned scholarship holders. Furthermore, the Board “believes that they can help develop solutions that benefit Angolans”.

About the programme

This master’s degree results from a partnership between the Angolan State, through the Ministry of Telecommunications, Information Technologies and Social Communication (MINTTICS), and the partners involved in constructing the Angosat-2 satellite, namely, Energia and Airbus Defense and Space.

Investing in the training of staff is one of the pillars of the Angolan National Space Programme. Only qualified professionals at the local level enjoy this benefit. Furthermore, they are engaged in developing applications related to improving the living conditions of all Angolans. Examples of projects developed by GGPEN engineers are applications that increased agricultural production and combat drought in the southern part of Angola.

GGPEN has 68 collaborators, of which five are doctors and 22 are masters degree holders. Furthermore, seven of the master’s degree holders graduated from ISAE-SUPAERO. In addition, 32 are graduates from national and international universities.