Over 1,600 Presentations at the Technical Programme of IAC 2020 – The CyberSpace Edition

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The International Astronautical Federation’s annual event, the International Astronautical Congress (IAC), has been at the centre of innovation for the space community for 70 years. As such the annual event plays an important role to allow space professionals and the young generation to disseminate their research and develop collaborations.

The IAC 2020 CyberSpace Edition is slated to continue this legacy: it will offer a world-class Technical Programme spanning all areas of space and their intersections with other fields of critical importance to our future. The online format of the IAC Programme is an exciting experiment in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and promises to be a great success throughout the week of 12-14 October 2020.

An impressive number of over 1,600 presentations have already been confirmed and will form the Virtual Technical Presentations Gallery. This rich archive will host fascinating video lectures, categorized into playlists devoted to 32 Symposia as well as outstanding manuscripts.

All the materials will be accessible free-of-charge through the IAC 2020 online platform to the congress participants!

Get a glimpse at the list of confirmed presentations:


The Technical Programme will also include a mix of Symposium Keynotes by internationally renowned speakers covering all the latest trends in space:
