ASAL’s Center des Techniques Spatiales To Train Algerian Land Surveyors On GIS Applications

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The Center des Techniques Spatiales (CTS), an arm of the Algerian Space Agency that provides training for specialists in research, design and project execution in the fields of geodetic sciences and topographical work, has signed an agreement with the National Council of the Order of Land Surveyors (OGEF)  to train, upgrade and build the capacities of land surveyors in the country in the fields of geodesy, land and geomatics.

The signing made on  4th January this year is part of the implementation of the framework agreement made and inked by the two bodies on 31 October 2018.

According to groups representatives, the training is necessary to update the participants on recent technologies and findings in Geographical Information Systems and its applications as it relates to surveying.

Organised in sessions spread over two years, the training will also cover areas such as Legal status of the land and its technical aspects, Space Geodesy, Survey techniques and topographic calculations.

As part of the training, participants will be trained in capturing, storing, analysis, management of geographic data as well as be acquainted on recently improved GIS tools that allow users to create interactive queries (user-created searches), analyse spatial information, edit data in maps, and present the results of all these operations.