Smart AgrIoT—The Startup Providing Farming-as-a-Service
Smart AgrIoT is an Agritech company focussed on the digitization of smallholder…
South Africa's AeroSpace Systems Research Group Will Be Launching Two Sounding Rockets
UKZN’s affiliated AeroSpace Systems Research Group has recently completed the…
The Role of Earth Observation Data in Building Urban Resilience
EO has become more sophisticated with the development of remote-sensing…
The Status of Funding in the Downstream Segment of Space Applications in Africa
The use of Earth Observation data and Geo-Information Systems (GISs) in various…
The Role of Insurance in The African Space Industry
Out of the 42 satellites that had been launched by Africa by 2020, four were…
Sturtium Is Developing A Digital Ecosystem where Experts Can Interact and Develop Solutions for Africa's Sustainability Issues
Sturtium is a South African based startup established in 2019. The company uses…
AgroData - The Startup Promoting Organic Farming Through Bee Pollination
AgroData is a community-based beekeeping initiative providing farmers with…
The Rising Trend In Small Satellites Adoption In Africa
Small satellites have seen a remarkable adoption within Africa. February 1999…
MzansiSat- The Prospective Satellite Operator Looking To Provide Internet Connectivity to Africa's SADC region
MzansiSat is one of Africa's private prospective satellite operator focusing on…
What To Expect From The African Space Industry in 2021
Despite the pandemic, the year 2020 was a relatively good year for the African…