RSA and JICA to Strengthen Space Collaboration for Socio-Economic Development

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According to the press release by Rwanda Space Agency (RSA), Mr Hirosawa Jin, Senior Representative of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), has concluded consultations on enhancing Rwanda and Japan’s space collaboration with the CEO of Rwanda Space Agency, Colonel Francis Ngabo. The partnership is expected to propel Rwanda’s mission to utilise space for the inclusive socio-economic development of Rwanda.

Source: Rwanda Space Agency

In April, a team of delegates from the Rwanda Space Agency (RSA), led by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of RSA, Colonel Francis Ngabo, were hosted by the President of Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Yamakawa Hiroshi and the Vice-President of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Iwasaki Eiji, during a week-long strategic visit to enhance the space partnership between Rwanda and Japan.

Source: Rwanda Space Agency

During the visit, the parties discussed potential opportunities, collaborations, and utilising space technologies. The primary focus was achieving mutual benefits and advancing their respective space sectors for socio-economic development.