Minor to Moderate Geomagnetic Storm brewing

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Our Sun recently reached high solar activity levels and unleashed the second X-class solar flare of solar cycle 25 at 15:35 UTC on 28 October 2021. It produced a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) which is heading towards Earth. This fast halo CME travels at ~1200 km/s.  This is much faster than a typical CME.  Early analysis of this CME and subsequent model output suggests that it will hit the Earth late on 30 October 2021. The arrival of this CME is expected to cause a minor to moderate (G1 to G2) geomagnetic storm. There is also a chance of a strong (G3) storm. 

A Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) travelling at ~1200 km/s

The SANSA Space Weather Centre is continuously monitoring solar activity and providing alerts on impacts that affect our nation’s technology and operations.

If you are a High Frequency (HF) communications hobbyist, please send your feedback on HF disturbances to rdaniels@sansa.org.za. For any further queries please contact SANSA Communications at 028 285 0000 or 063 609 2443