Russia Partners Egypt on Space: Offers Gagarin Bust as Symbol of Friendship

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Russia has renewed its partnership with the Egyptian Space Agency through a ‘gift of friendship’ offered to the agency. This disclosure was made by the Egyptian Space Agency.

EgSA CEO welcoming the Russian Ambassador

The Russian Ambassador to Egypt, Georgie Borisenko, presented a bust of Yuri Gagarin a soviet cosmonaut – the first human in outer space to Dr Mohammed Al-Quosy, EgSA’s CEO, at the Agency’s headquarters. Also present at the event were Dr Mohammed Iraqi, Executive Vice President of EgSA; Alexi, Russian cultural centre director; Sharif Jad, Cultural activity director; and a delegation from both countries.

While speaking on the gift, Dr Al-Quosy mentioned that Gangarin paved way to space for humanity, affirming great prospects for collaboration on space. He also used the opportunity to stress that there are existing relationships between the two countries, and it will get even better with time.

In celebration of opening the bust at the Agency, Borisenko added that Russia is looking forward to more collaborations between the nation and Egypt, especially in the space industry. He mentioned that the bust would serve as a symbol of friendship and continued alliance between both countries.

He concluded by appreciating the agency’s commitment to space development. A photo session soon took place to mark the closing of the event.