Egypt Space Agency Hosts Arab Academy of Sciences, Discuss Future of Space Learning in Egypt

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Dr Mohammed Al-Quosy, the CEO of Egypt Space Agency hosted the President of Arab Academy of Sciences, Technology and Maritime Transport, Dr Ismail Abdel Ghafar at the agency for a courtesy visit where mutual cooperation for the advancement of Space technology in Egypt was discussed.


Also present at the event were Prof Khalil Iraqi, the Vice President of Egyptian Space Agency; Prof Ali Fahmy, Dean of the Faculty of Artificial Intelligence at the Arab Academy; Prof Al-Safati, Dean of Faculty of Engineering at the Arab Academy.

During the visit, the Arab academy delegation saw assembly, building and satellite testing works in progress at the Agency. They also saw some other space projects in the works while exploring laboratories such as space load lab, engineering model lab, thermal room, etc. Dr Al-Quosy talked about specialized devices used in the implementation of space projects that achieve development and transfer of space technology science, its settlement, and self-capacity to build satellites. Prof Iraqi also took the opportunity to discuss some of the important projects the agency has done or has underway.

Dr Abdel Ghafar on his part discussed the progress the Academy is making towards educating young Egyptians on space activities through the several academic colleges existing and teaching space-related courses in Egypt. Furthering the discussion, Dr Ghafar sought for more collaboration between the Agency and the Academy to develop the space sector in terms of research and development in the country. He mentioned the importance of summer training for Arab and African students to participate in the construction of small satellites.

Both parties shared a memorial shield at the end of the meeting.