Annular Solar Eclipse Forthcoming

An annular solar eclipse will be visible on 21 June 2020 from large parts of central and east Africa early in the morning. The African Astronomical Society has produced resource material on the eclipse for the public, in collaboration with outreach experts from many countries. These can be be found here – please do share widely.
This webpage currently has:
Eclipse Handbook for Africa: This handbook contains information on how eclipses are caused, what is an annular eclipse, where and when to see it in Africa, a table of eclipse timings for each country, precautions for eye and COVID safety, easy and safe methods of viewing the eclipse from your homes, online resources, and contact details for each country. Do download (6.3 MB) and share widely. You can also read this on the site in different sections.
Eclipse Poster Series: A set of 7 posters on each of the topics in the handbook, in a simple and accessible format. Download and share with family, friends and colleagues.
#EclipsePinholeChallenge: A social media challenge to come up with creative ways of forming multiple images of the sun using pin-hole patterns from household material. Try this out in the coming days, post pics online with #EclipsePinholeChallenge and tag us.
Coming soon:
  • The Eclipse Android App of the Astronomical Society of India, adapted to Africa
  • Translations of our resource material in Kiswahili and Amharic
  • Links to live telecasts
For updates visit:
This eclipse campaign is a collaboration between AfAS, the ROADs in Africa, NOCs in various African countries, and many other outreach practitioners.
best wishes
Niruj Mohan Ramanujam
Chair, Outreach Committee
African Astronomical Society