Call for Contributions – Space Fostering African Societies: Developing the African Continent through Space
The African space sector is currently undergoing a phase of rapid and dynamic expansion, with new actors entering the field and with space applications increasingly used to support the continent’s social, economic, and political development. All across Africa, attention is shifting to space as a fundamental part of the continental development agenda, and the creation of an African space agency is evidence of this. Additionally, while great achievements have been made in recent years in economic and social development, there is still much that needs to be done.
To this end, space is already being employed in diverse fields of human endeavour to serve Africa’s goals for its future, but there is much room for further incorporation of space systems and data. Accordingly, this book is dedicated to a detailed insight into how space and its applications are, and can be, used to support the development of the full range and diversity of African societies, while being driven by African goals, for example as encapsulated in the African Union’s Agenda 2063.
Contributions in this regard are welcome from across the continent and further afield. While
the previous volume of Southern Space Studies was explicitly focused on the role of space in supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in Africa, this volume covers an even more extensive array of relevant and timely topics speaking to all facets of African development. The purpose is thus to provide readers with a comprehensive overview of the role space is playing in unlocking Africa’s developmental aspirations. Space Fostering African Societies is a timely update to Southern Space Studies and will be of great interest to both students and professionals alike in fields such as Space Studies, International Relations, Governance, Social and Rural Development, and many others.
Call for Contributions: Outer Space and Popular Culture – Influences and Interaction.
Interested authors are invited to explore a broad range of topics in this regard to raise the
profile and awareness of space in Africa.
Deadline for full paper: 1st May 2019
Contact for submissions:
Preparation of Article
- Both Word and PDF have to be submitted (source files are required for pictures, graphs, etc.)
- Following the title, in the next line provide author/s names
- In *symbol footnote: First/Family name, Affiliations, Town/City, Email-Addresses, ORCID,
- Name of the corresponding author and its email address is mandatory
Headings - Headings and subheadings in the text should be written in Times New Roman, bold, size 12 and include consecutively numbering (1., 1.1., 1.1.1. etc. – Kindly refrain from using “0” when numbering)
- Headings should be capitalized (i.e., nouns, verbs, and all other words except articles,
prepositions, and conjunctions should be set with an initial capital) - Headings should, except for the title, be left aligned
Length of Papers
- The most common types of papers accepted for publication are full papers (10–20+ pages) and short papers (6+ pages), where a page constitutes 300-400 words
Abstract: should be included after the title but before the start of the paper (approx. 800 1.200 characters with spaces)
- Times New Roman, size 11 with line spacing 1.0
- Spelling should be consistent throughout the paper
- The use of underlining and bold to emphasize words is not recommended
Figures and Tables
- Figures are to be numbered and to have a caption which should always be positioned under the figures, in contrast to the caption belonging to a table, which should always appear above the table. Figures and Tables should be cross-referred in the text.
- Tables and figures should have a title and number
Footnotes (no endnotes)
- The superscript numeral used to refer to a footnote appears in the text either directly after the word to be discussed or – in relation to a phrase or a sentence – following the punctuation mark (comma, semicolon, or period).
- A bibliography is not expected. No footnotes may be included in the abstract.
- Footnotes and cross-references should be created through the Word function in order to
guaranty the right numbering. - Size 10 with line space 1.0
A short bio should be added to the paper on the last page of the document. The author should have all rights on the submitted paper, which has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
Further details can be found at:
Download the call for submissions in PDF
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