Understanding GEO Week; 2020
The first week of November 2020 is set aside to showcase the impact and…
Earth Observation is Essential for Policy Development in Africa
Understanding Earth Observation and its diverse uses According to the…
UKSA Provides Funding for Ghana Forest Management Project Using EO
The UK Space Agency through Ecometrica Limited is funding an Earth Observation…
Why Earth Observation is Important for Space Development in Africa
Earth observation is the process of acquiring detailed information about the…
GMES and Africa’s CSSTE Creates Data Bank for Flood Events in West Africa
CSSTE, one of the twelve consortia under the GMES and Africa program is…
Algeria's AlSat-2A Earth Observation Satellite Doubles Nominal Lifespan In Orbit
The Algerian Space Agency (ASAL) is celebrating the tenth anniversary of…
ETRSS-1 Captures First Test Images
Ethiopia's newly launched ETRSS-1 has captured its first few test images. The…
13th AARSE International Conference To Hold In October 2020, In Rwanda
The 13th African Association of Remote Sensing of the Environment (AARSE 2020)…