IGAD Launches Hazards Watch for East Africa

The Intergovernmental Authority for Development (IGAD) has launched the East…

World Bank Plans to Invest over $5 Billion in Drylands in Africa

The World Bank plans to invest over $5 billion over the next five years to help…

GMES and Africa’s CSSTE Creates Data Bank for Flood Events in West Africa

CSSTE, one of the twelve consortia under the GMES and Africa program is…

GMES Experts Call For Investment In Space Science To Tackle Climate Change

Experts at a three-day regional conference of geographers and other scientists…

Egypt Launches Centre For Environmental Studies and Application for Climate Change

Last week, Egypt opened its Centre of Excellence for Environmental Studies and…

Egyptian Space Agency CEO Briefs Parliamentary Delegation On African Development Satellite

The CEO of the Egyptian Space Agency on Wednesday briefed a delegation of MPs…

Satellite Observation Data Shows Increase In Methane Growth In South Sudan

Satellite observations in South Sudan have shown recent growth in methane (CH4)…

SADC, EU Launch €8 million Programme To Undertake Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Actions

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) Secretariat and the European…

African Leaders Call for Climate Emergency

Global emissions are reaching an all-time high and show no signs of plunging.…

FUTA Hosts 3rd World Symposium On Climate Change Adaptation

The 3rd World Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation held in Federal University…