The Client: National Space Program Management Office (GGPEN)

Project Title: The Commercialisation of AngoSat-2 Satellite

Space in Africa was commissioned to develop a comprehensive business plan for AngoSat-2, offering valuable insights into the most effective business practices to support Angola's aspirations with the satellite. This task entailed assessing the demand and capacity for satellite services in Angola and neighboring countries within the SADC region. It involved identifying competitors and understanding their challenges, limitations, and opportunities based on their experience.

We were able to determine the most effective approach and structure for entering the market and making it commercially viable. In October 2022, the satellite was successfully launched, followed by its commercialisation in February 2023. Within a month, GGPEN announced that 33% of the C band transponders on the satellite had been sold, showcasing the swift impact of our recommendations to GGPEN.

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