#NewSpaceAfrica Column – Denel Spaceteq

Denel Spaceteq is a South African space engineering company with specialities…

A breakdown of the 30 satellites launched by African nations

A regional analysis of the growth plan of several African nations reveals a…

SANSA selected by ICAO to become the designated regional provider of space weather

South Africa has been recognized as a leading player in the space science…

SANSA signs MoU with UAE Space Agency

The UAE Space Agency has signed its first Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)…

Apply to join South Africa Space Agency

Apply now for SANSA postgraduate bursary for the 2019 Academic Session in the…

Apply to join South Africa Space Agency

Apply now for SANSA postgraduate bursary for the 2019 Academic Session in the…

Johannesburg show set to provide opportunities for STEM students and university alumni

The STEM Conference & Career Expo promotes opportunities within the…

Science and Technology committee completes briefings with Department and entities

The Portfolio Committee on Science and Technology yesterday completed its round…

SANSA sets up Space Weather Warning Centre for the benefit of the African Region

The African region is set to derive even greater benefit from the recent…