AfAS Announces its 2023 MSc and PhD Winners

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The African Astronomical Society (AfAS) has announced the outcome of the 2023 Master of Science (MSc) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) prizes. The AfAS MSc and PhD prizes aim to recognise and reward the exceptional achievements of academically talented African students who have recently defended their MSc or PhD thesis in Astronomy (including Astrophysics).
The recipients of the 2023 AfAS MSc and PhD prizes are listed below:
PhD Prizes
- Dr Antoine Mahoro; Rwanda; South African Astronomical Observatory, South Africa; Research Projects: “Outflows from AGN and star-forming galaxies.”
- Dr Amina Boulkaboul; Algeria; University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene, Algeria; Research Project: “The search for spectroscopic binaries in open access databases”.
- Dr Chukwuebuka Jude Ugwu; Nigeria; University of Nigeria Nsukka, Nigeria; Research Project: “Multiwavelength investigation of the nature and gas kinematics of high-mass protostellar object G358.46−0.39”.
MSc Prizes
- Ms Fatma Shaban: Egypt; Cairo University Egypt; Research Project: ‘’X-ray properties of high-redshift Radio Loud and Radio Quiet Quasars observed by Chandra.”
- Mr Brian Bichang’a: Kenya; University of Cape Town, South Africa; Research Project: “Three-Dimensional Structure of Edge-On Disk Galaxies in the COSMOS Field to z=0.5.”
- Ms Mosima Portia Masipa; South Africa; University of the Western Cape, South Africa: Research Project: “Accelerating reionisation simulations using machine learning.”
The AfAS Early Career Science Sub-committee (ECSS) established the 2023 MSc and PhD Prizes to acknowledge and reward the exceptional achievements of academically gifted African students who have recently defended their Master’s or PhD theses in Astronomy, including Astrophysics and related fields. The recipients will receive a cash prize of USD 400 for the MSc award and USD 800 for the PhD award.
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