The Baseline Study on the Four Space Segments and the Space Socioeconomic Benefits for the Establishment and Operationalisation of the African Space Agency

Client: African Union Commission
African Heads of State and Government established the Africa Space Policy and Strategy in January 2016 to facilitate global growth and development through space science and technology. To help support the effective implementation of the African Space Strategy and the African Space Policy, the African Union Commission commissioned Space in Africa to undertake a baseline study on four focus areas of the African space ecosystem: Earth observation, Astronomy and Space science, Satellite Communications and the Socio-economic benefits brought about by the applications of Space Science in Africa.
Client’s Need
The African Union Commission aims to utilise the findings of this study on the African space ecosystem’s four focus areas to bolster the successful execution of the African Space Policy and the African Space Strategy. These efforts are directed towards fulfilling the objectives outlined in Africa Agenda 2063 and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals on the continent.
Space in Africa adopted a comprehensive approach to the study, employing two complementary data collection methods: a thorough desktop inquiry and a well-structured online survey targeted at key industry stakeholders. These methods provided valuable insights to inform the study effectively. The collected data underwent meticulous analysis and visualisation, culminating in a clear and concise report format. The report identified key action points and recommended a seamless integration to guide the African Union Commission’s implementation plan.
- Space in Africa produced four reports on four focus areas of the organisation: Earth observation, Astronomy and Space science, Satellite Communications and the Socio-economic benefits brought about by the applications of Space Science in Africa.
- Space in Africa developed a data portal containing a repository of all African space-related institutions.
Impact and Potential
The recommendations provided by our study have played a crucial role in shaping the establishment and implementation of the African Space Agency. In January 2023, the agency was formally inaugurated, and since then, it has been diligently working towards full operationalisation to realise its objectives. By incorporating the insights gained from our analysis, the African Space Agency will have a clear roadmap for shaping the future of space technology in Africa.
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