Russia To Hold Talks With Egypt, India, Indonesia And The UK Regarding Plans To Install Earth Stations At Her Embassies

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A document on the Russian Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media’s website has revealed that the country plans to hold talks with the Egypt, India, Indonesia and the Uk concerning her intentions to install of earth stations at her embassies in these countries.

The published plan, approved by the State Commission on Radio Frequencies, stated that it is likely to hold talks with Egypt as well as Indonesia regarding the installation of earth satellite communications station in her embassies in their countries.

Furthermore, the document recognised the need to do the same with the UK and India this year to agree on the placement of these stations, but did not reveal the reason behind these plans.

Also contained in the document are briefings on Russia’s intentions to send to the Radiocommunication Bureau of the International Telecommunication Union information on radio frequencies that will be used by the earth remote sensing satellites SMOTR and Kondor-FKA, next-generation Orel manned spacecraft and Ionozond space complex.