Attend MeerKAT extension workshop

In a partnership between SARAO and MPG, an extension to the current MeerKAT array is being planned. In the basic scenario, MeerKAT could be expanded by about 20 additional dishes and fully integrated into the existing 64-dish array. Current technical, financial and timeline considerations suggest that the new dishes would be placed at positions providing up to 18 km baselines and excellent snapshot capabilities. In the first instance, the correlator will not be upgraded, meaning only 64 of the available 84 elements could be correlated simultaneously. The correlator may be upgraded prior to SKA1-Mid to enable simultaneous correlation of all 84 elements.
It is the wish of the partners that the opportunities provided by the extended MeerKAT array will be exploited within a strong partnership between South Africa and the MPG, including legacy and joint projects. The document that sets out the basic principles of the joint scientific exploitation, as agreed upon by SARAO, MPG, and the SARAO Users Committee, is available at:
Potential legacy project(s) or other joint projects will be proposed and discussed in a 2-day workshop on 3-4 June in Cape Town, bringing together South African and MPG colleagues. We invite community input on new scientific opportunities with the extended MeerKAT at this workshop. If you are interested in presenting a science talk, please submit a title and abstract when you complete the registration. Note, however, that given that this is a short workshop with ample time set aside for discussion, it may not be possible to fit all proposed presentations in the programme.
The final programme will be distributed to all registrants once this initial community feedback has been assimilated into the current workshop plans.
Dates: 3-4 June 2019
Venue: SARAO, Cape Town (TBC, pending the number of registrants)
Deadline: 20 May 2019
Register here.
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